New Videos for JAM Live Music Arcade Show Off its Potential for Creative Expression

Just a week after its launch on both XBLA and PSN, JAM Live Music Arcade has shown gamers everywhere a new way to connect to music and given them a reason to dust off that plastic guitar lying around the house. As a near-endless musical sandbox experience, JAM allows the player to completely control every aspect of one of the 30+ licensed songs featured in the game – guitar, bass, vocals, drums and synthesizers – and remake the song to their individual tastes and styling. To further illustrate this point, Zivix and Reverb Publishing today are releasing two brand new videos for JAM that show off the game’s potential for remixing and jamming out:




This trailer shows off three of the songs featured in the game, including Modest Mouse’s “Float On” and how with just a single controller, you can turn on and off dozens of different guitar, bass, drum and vocal banks at the flip of a switch – experiment and jam on your own to find your own harmony!




This video shows off the Arcade Mode, which unlike the more freeform Jam mode mentioned above, is score oriented and provides a steep challenge on the hardest difficulty setting. One of Zivix’s very own gets a full, complete perfect on the highest difficulty setting with one of JAM’s most difficult songs – “Black is the New Yellow” by Super8 and Tab.


The reviews are still coming in, but take a peek at what journalists and media folk are saying already about JAM Live Music Arcade, one of the most original music games ever brought to market:

  • "This amazing software is easily worth the 800MS price point it's asking and if you enjoy music or music games, then it's a must have addition to your gaming collection.” – Xbox Addict
  • "Finally, we have a new approach to a music game that is unique, easy to pick up, and has a great selection of songs. This is not merely a game of just hitting notes at the proper time but one that inspires the ability to create and record unique mixes." – Geeks Respawn
  • "It’s been years since I last used my guitar controller. With the end of the Guitar Hero franchise, most assumed the music genre to be dead. However, the brave minds at Zivix think otherwise. With JAM Live Music Arcade, they promise not only a return, but to re-invent the genre. A bold promise they may have pulled off." – PlayStation University
  • "I have to admit, it was nice to dust off my plastic guitar and play a music based game all over again.  JAM Live Music Arcade has some really good elements." – Canadian Online Gamers
  • "Overall, JAM Live Music Arcade is a fun and unique music experience, allowing players to either play through some cool remixes or mash out one of their own." –
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