With autumn activities beginning to wind down and the haunting season coming to a close, the team behind Closers, the anime-styled RPG beat ‘em up, has decided to keep the fun going!
En Masse Entertainment announced today that Soma, the latest member of the Wildhüter team, has now joined Closers. Soma, a tonfa-wielding demolisher, harbors an intense hatred for dimensional monsters. She uses her tonfas to land powerful strikes against her opponents, silencing her enemies with her heavy hitting attacks. While she may be a ruthless hunter, Soma is driven to defend the innocent, using her dolls to bring smiles to the faces of those around her.
View the Soma video
Join in on special Soma events to win costumes, consumables, and more!
The latest Closers Gleam campaign will run from October 30 at 10 AM PDT through November 13 to 11:59 PM PDT. The grand prize winner will receive a Razer Blade 15 laptop, the 2nd prize winner will get 15000 EMP ($150 value), and 25 runners-up will get a game pack for their game of choice. For details on how to enter and contest rules, please visit this link: gleam.io/YH6Go/en-masse-entertainment-steam-gleam
Closers is a multiplayer online action RPG (MOARPG) infused with arcade beat’ em up mechanics and anime-styled artwork. Players take the role of a “Closer,” a group of psychic teenagers chosen by the world government to stop an alien invasion by closing interdimensional gates to thwart the invaders and their evil incursion. Fast, intense, and eye-poppingly beautiful, the game masterfully combines the frenetic action of old school arcade 2D beat ‘em ups with the engaging combo mechanics of fighting games, and the vivid art style and drama of an episodic anime.
Published by En Masse Entertainment, Closers is available on Steam and on the En Masse digital store. For more information on Closers, please visit the official site closers.enmasse.com and follow the progress of the game on Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube.