[GM Staff] Review Scores
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- By GM Staff
Here at Gaming Media, the staff has decided to remove numerical scores for reviews. We believe that too much debate arises from a game receiving a score of 90% being declared as a superior game to a title receiving a score of 70% whether it be the same genre and category or a different one altogether. Hence, we have implemented the "Final Assessment" paragraph which is our opinion of the game after thoroughly logging in hours upon hours to complete and analyze the game in detail.
Thank you
GM Staff
[N Wii] Super Smash Bros. Brawl Preview
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- By GM Staff
Nintendo had kept eager fans waiting for years of news regarding their next Smash Bros. game. After a long and silent period, the company had recently garnered the attention of their fans worldwide with its Smash Bros. Dojo webpage. Their latest entry, Super Smash Bros. Brawl, boasts new characters, new gameplay modes, new strategies and extra controls with the Wii and classic controller.
[Xbox 360] Crackdown
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- By Eddie Hicks
We’ve got a problem. It’s been awhile since we’ve played any new GTA games and we still got several months to go until GTA 4 hits retail. And it just so happens; Crackdown is the prefect solution to this problem… somewhat.
[PC] Universe at War: Earth Assault Video
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- By Eddie Hicks
See the new trailer to this upcoming sci-fi game.
[NDS] Spectrobes
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- By GM Staff
In the DS handheld market, the landscape is full of competitors that have challenged but failed to topple the vastly successful Pokemon series. Enter developer Jupiter Corp with Spectrobes, the handheld title on DS, published by Disney Interactive Studios, that fights to share the limelight against the Pokemon giant in the market.
[PS3]Dreamfall: The Longest Journey
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- By GM Staff
Adventure games have become a thing of the past, and despite efforts of many, it doesn’t look like that will change anytime soon. Luckily, lately adventure games have been a bit more prevalent. We may not have them in abundance as we did with games like Curse of Monkey Isle, Day of the Tentacle, or Grim Fandango, but lately we have received games in the form of Myst IV, Indigo Prophecy, and now Dreamfall: The Longest Journey. So the big question: is Dreamfall the game that adventure gamers have been waiting for, or are we all better off waiting for the upcoming Sam and Max Sequel?
[Xbox 360] Halo 3
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- By Eddie Hicks
Nine times out of ten when a new game is released with a lot of hype behind it. It turns out to be a let down in two or more areas. And while it is true, that I just pulled that number out of my ass, (I really don’t know how often that happens other than it does,) Halo 3 does fall under this rule, yet it’s still a fun game.
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